Kumon Brunei:
Maths, English Enrichment Classes
The World’s Leading Maths & English Enrichment Programmes for Academic Success
Kumon Brunei: Maths, English Enrichment Classes
The World’s Leading Maths & English Enrichment Programmes for Academic Success
Kumon is the world's leading after-school enrichment programme, offering Mathematics and English language subject classes to students from preschool to secondary school. Today, we are located in over 60 countries and regions, with more than 3.5 million students enrolled in over 23,700 Kumon Enrichment Centres.
Register for a Complimentary Parent Orientation to find out more about The Kumon Method and how your child can reap the benefits of learning Math & English from a young age.
How Kumon Enrichment Helps To Build Strong Foundational Abilities From A Young Age
Not only does Kumon develop a solid foundation in Math and English; we also help children build strong foundational abilities by cultivating important work and study skills necessary to succeed in today's world.
The objective of Kumon is to instil in students the right skills and mindset for self-learning. With Kumon's individualised learning method, children reap the benefits of learning by their ability, not by age. This helps them learn at an optimum level and advance topics beyond their school grades.
It is important to supplement your child’s learning with enrichment classes to meet the demands of the competitive school environment in Brunei. Continuous Kumon study helps children improve focus and concentration, cultivate confidence, develop time management skills and become self-motivated, independent problem solvers.
What Makes Kumon So Different
From Other Enrichment Programmes?
Self-Learning Method
Kumon focuses on helping students develop the ability to study and problem solve independently without always asking for the answer. Children will build resilience and use this skill to learn independently at home so that they will not give up easily when solving challenging questions. Equip your child with the right skills for success with the Kumon enrichment programme.
Learn Progressively In Small Steps
Our worksheets enable your child to learn Math & English progressively in small steps at the pace perfect for him/her before tackling advanced topics and concepts beyond his/her school grade.
Impart Key Life Skills
In Kumon enrichment classes, we do not teach students in a uniform manner but guide them to understand the questions and solve problems independently. Through this, they will develop essential life skills such as determination, independence, confidence and a passion for learning to excel and overcome obstacles in school and beyond.
Self-Learning Method
Kumon focuses on helping students develop the ability to study and problem solve independently without always asking for the answer. Children will build resilience and use this skill to learn independently at home so that they will not give up easily when solving challenging questions. Equip your child with the right skills for success with the Kumon enrichment programme.
Learn Progressively In Small Steps
Our worksheets enable your child to learn Math & English progressively in small steps at the pace perfect for him/her before tackling advanced topics and concepts beyond his/her school grade.
Impart Key Life Skills
In Kumon enrichment classes, we do not teach students in a uniform manner but guide them to understand the questions and solve problems independently. Through this, they will develop essential life skills such as determination, independence, confidence and a passion for learning to excel and overcome obstacles in school and beyond.
How Does Kumon Help Your Child to Learn and Study Independently At Home?
Like in-centre classes, the purpose of our remote learning classes is to observe students while they work and only give guidance and instruction when needed. The camera will mostly often focus on the students' worksheets, and our instructors will observe how students complete their assigned work before providing specific guidance.
The goal of the Kumon Method is to develop independent learners who can take charge of their study routines and problem-solve homework by themselves through daily practice, learning from their mistakes and developing resilience to do so.
Therefore, the values of independent learning, self-discipline, time management and self-confidence in solving problems that Kumon strives to instil are brought into focus and displayed while doing remote learning, both for school and Kumon.
How Does Your Child Benefit from Kumon Enrichment Classes?
Our Enrichment Programmes for Students
Each Kumon student's learning journey is individually determined by his/her ability. From preschool to primary school and beyond, the Kumon worksheets will help your child study, learn and incrementally advance significantly beyond his/her school grade.

Math Programme

Learning Math requires an accumulation of knowledge through practice. While enhancing their calculation skills, students also cultivate their Mathematical analysis and logical thinking abilities, which will be indispensable in their lives, now and in the future. This sets the groundwork for solving the problems they will face in life.
Develop mental calculation and reasoning skills
Improve students' problem-solving abilities
Prepare students for advanced Mathematics
Top quality Math curriculum based on the Kumon Method for school-ready children
Varying levels of topics and understanding to stretch student’s learning
Achieve desired Math grades, improvements, and goals
Study and understand Mathematical concepts and formula
Improves speed in calculations and completing exercises
Learn critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Custom fit and specialised learning tailored to students’ needs
Study materials and worksheets provided to hone practice and examination skills
Student-led learning: learn by ability instead of age and level
Develop passion for learning and interest in Math

English Language Programme

Learning English requires expert guidance and a student’s persistence to pick up the right knowledge for vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, interpretation and creative writing. Besides improving students' reading comprehension skills, we aim to nurture an interest in reading - widely and confidently. In addition to improving proficiency in all areas of the English language, this leads students to expand their minds, igniting their curiosity to read beyond the lines, think critically, make connections and come to their conclusions - the key to expanding their knowledge and understanding of the world to excel in both school and life.
Develop reading skills and reading habits
Improve reading comprehension and critical reading skills
Enrich and expand students' vocabulary
Top quality English curriculum based on the Kumon Method for school-ready children
Varying levels of topics and understanding to stretch student’s learning
Achieve desired English grades, improvements, and goals
Understand English language foundational basics
Improves confidence and proficiency in oral and written tests
Become eloquent communicators orally and in the written form
Custom fit and specialised learning tailored to students’ needs
Study materials and worksheets provided to hone practice and examination skills
Student-led learning: learn by ability instead of age and level
Passion for learning and interest in the English language
A New Way Of Learning Digitally

KUMON CONNECT is designed with students, families, and Instructors in mind to accelerate individualised learning. With KUMON CONNECT, more children will be able to benefit from this individualised learning method whenever and wherever they are. The goal of the Kumon Method remains the same. Every student advances at an incremental pace without any learning gaps in their study.

Students can now easily access and submit their Kumon worksheets with their tablets through KUMON CONNECT.
Kumon Instructors will review their students' completed worksheets and learning processes to support their study by assigning digital worksheets suitable to their individual ability levels and providing personalised guidance geared to each of them.
Parents and Kumon Instructors can make full use of the messaging function available within the KUMON CONNECT platform to promptly open up a more direct line of communication to create optimal learning situations.

Kumon caters to children as young as three years and is known for taking this unique learning approach. Through Kumon, many children have acquired academic excellence, good study skills and habits, and the ability to learn independently.
Facilitation of our Kumon Instructors

Kumon Instructors are constantly learning from their students. After analysing students' respective study records, completed worksheets and observing their learning situation in each session, Instructors will provide students with the appropriate worksheets to advance their academic progression.
& Connect

At Kumon, one of the most vital aspects is keeping and maintaining the human touch made between our students and Instructors. Regardless of learning at home, at the Centre, our Instructors constantly aim to engage in supportive communication with each student and parent.
What Topics and Concepts do Kumon Enrichment Classes Cover?
Kumon enrichment classes will cover a broad range of topics to cater to the learning level of each child and encourage him/her to advance academically. As your child goes through English language learning and studying Math, parents will receive personalised feedback, progress reports and insights on your child’s progress.

The Breakthrough Learning Method Empowering Over 3.6 Million Students In More Than 60 Countries And Regions
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FAQ: Kumon Enrichment Centres, Programmes & Classes
Our monthly fee per subject programme is BND125.
*There is a one-time registration fee of BND30 payable upon enrollment
Kumon students range from preschoolers to secondary school students. We currently have students as young as three years old studying with us and we help children of any age and ability reach their academic goals. However, we recommend that you enquire first to see if your ideal Centre can accept young children.
With the Kumon Method, students start at the level where they can attain a perfect score studying on their own. This fosters a joy for learning, and instils good study habits.
Gradually students begin to study topics they have not previously learned. Through Kumon, students will be able to advance beyond school grade level independently. This develops their analytical ability, develops perseverance and fosters confidence and a healthy self-esteem.
Eventually, students study far beyond school grade level independently. They will excel in their other subjects as well because they have confidence and are applying the self-learning skills developed through Kumon.
Yes. The Kumon Method is an individualised learning method that supplements the Brunei education system.
For the Kumon Maths Programme, the study goal is the self-study of senior high school mathematics with ease. It focuses on the development of strong calculation skills and, by excluding all unrelated concepts which may be covered in school, aim to allow students to advance as quickly as possible on their own to senior high school mathematics.
The study goal for the Kumon language programmes is to achieve advanced reading comprehension skills and the ability to read widely.
Kumon is an independent self-study curriculum. By studying at a level that is appropriate to the child's ability, the child will be able to advance beyond his or her school grade level without being specifically taught.
Self-learning means that students study worksheets and correct their own mistakes independently. The worksheets have been designed in a way to allow students to figure out how to solve problems on their own. Examples and explanations are clearly provided when moving on to new topics, encouraging students to self-learn and advance independently.
Instructors observe how each student studies, plans and assigns worksheets and motivates the student. When students encounter difficulties, the Instructor assists the students by giving subtle hints so that they will be encouraged to progress and take on further challenges.
Kumon will help your child improve his or her school grade through the academic knowledge and work skills gained through studying topics beyond school grade level.
We're not the world's leading enrichment programme for academic success for nothing. We have successfully empowered more than 4 million students enrolled in over 24,700 Kumon Centres in 60 countries. Read what our students have to say here.
Kumon's individualised instruction differs from one-on-one tutoring services that provide "quick fix" short-term boosts in performance. If your child is a bit behind his/her peers, our short-term goal is to reach grade-level competency within twelve months.
Through Kumon, your child is able to develop reading comprehension ability, strong calculation ability and analytical ability which are the essential abilities in order to solve problem sums.
Behind every successful student is a supportive parent and your child should be able to complete their daily homework independently as each worksheet builds on skills they will have developed at the previous level.
Students attend classes in their Kumon centre twice a week for about 30 - 45 minutes per session, per subject. In a month, students attend up to eight classes. For every non-class day in a month, students are given worksheets to do at home so as to develop daily study habits.
KUMON CONNECT is a new digital learning platform that brings about accessibility and convenience to students, Instructors and parents. It brings the same individualised study plan and small-steps worksheets, onto your tablet devices. You can learn at home, on the go, anytime, anywhere with KUMON CONNECT.
Our Blog
How Enrichment Programmes Empower Students for The Real-World
Unlock Your Child’s Potential: 5 Enrichment Programme Benefits
Why Kumon?
Kumon is able to help students of all levels and of all abilities. The goal of the Kumon Method is to develop independent learners who can take charge of their study routines and problem-solve homework by themselves through daily practice, learning from their mistakes and developing the “never give up” mentality to do so.
When first developing the Kumon Method, its founder, Toru Kumon theorized that as long as his son was able to do Maths easily in high school, he would have plenty of time to spend on whatever other pursuits he was interested in. So, he thought about what he could do at home to help his son gain proficiency in high school Maths.
With the aim of helping his son gain independence, Toru Kumon prepared his own learning materials and study method. He wrote out calculation problems on loose-leaf worksheets and combined them with a self-study method that would enable his son to advance by himself.
In effect Toru Kumon had laid the foundation for Kumon’s individualised approach that enables each student to learn in accordance with his or her academic ability, and for Kumon’s pursuit of potential; both of which we continue to place the utmost importance on.
Therefore, the values of independent learning, self-discipline, time management and self-confidence in solving problems that Kumon strives to instil are developed through the Kumon Method.
We at Kumon believe in the vast potential of our students and want to further develop each student’s ability. At the same time, we constantly strive for something better by continuing to develop our worksheets and instruction method. And today, this learning method continues to go beyond the borders of countries, culture and traditions, to reach more and more countries and regions throughout the world.
High Quality of Enrichment Programme, Instructors and Staff
Kumon is the world’s largest after-school enrichment and tuition programme. Kumon Instructors undergo extensive training prior to operating a centre and still receive training and development throughout the years of operation.
Kumon Instructors are dedicated individuals who have a passion for nurturing children. Many of them are or were Kumon parents themselves who saw that the Kumon Method works/worked for their children and decided to impart it to other children.
The role of a Kumon Instructor is to bring out the potential in each individual. Kumon Instructors discover what each student is capable of and focus on each student individually, paying careful attention to their academic ability, personality and how they take on the worksheets. Instructors then provide effective support to ensure learning at a level that is “just-right” for each individual.
In a supportive and stimulating environment, Kumon Instructors acknowledge the growth of each student without comparison to others, while offering praise and encouragement. At the same time, they cooperate closely with parents in monitoring the growth of each student. It is through these dedicated Instructors, who sincerely wish for the growth of their students, that the true benefits of the Kumon Method are achieved.
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